For too long, we Europeans have lived under the American umbrella, which has increasingly become inconvenient for both sides
Dimitris Tsingos
Serial tech entrepreneur and early stage investor. Advocate of the society of knowledge, creativity and cooperation. Firmly believes in freedom, equality and justice for all. Pacifist. And of course, a passionate European federalist.
What we achieved in 2020 and our objectives for 2021
Year 2020 has proven certainty and stability being nothing but a kind of illusions which help us to better deal with our lives and feel more comfortable with the only constant in life: Change.
Why I am doing this
So, why am I doing this? Why am I trying to ignite a pan-European peoples movement for the European Federal Union?
Declaration of the Peoples’ Movement for the European Federal Union
The European Union has been created and evolved the decades that followed the tragedy of the Second World War. It started with the primary objective of healing the open wounds of this unprecedented tragedy.