About the Proposal by the European Parliament for the Amendment of the Treaties

Over the past two years, extensive discussions have taken place regarding the revision of EU treaties towards a “closer union”. These initiatives, led by numerous pro-federalist Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), reached a milestone in November 2023 when the European Parliament passed the “Proposals of the European Parliament for the Amendment of the Treaties.” These proposals were then sent to the Council for deliberation at the March 2024 European Summit.

However, the Summit deferred the decision, postponing further discussions until the summer of 2024. The new composition of the European Parliament resulting from the upcoming June elections, could be decisive in determining the fate of this initiative.

The drive toward a “closer union” within the EU has gained significant traction following endorsements from several prominent EU leaders and notable figures. This push for deeper integration has generated a wave of reactions both within Europe and internationally, underscoring the contentious nature of the proposed changes.

Despite the fact that treaty revisions would have to be approved unanimously by all EU national parliaments, and thus are quite unlikely to pass anytime soon, this EU Parliament initiative is bringing the issue of the democratization on Europe front and center in the European agenda. Whether this is both a necessary and a sufficient step that brings a true Federal European Union closer, remains to be seen…

About the Proposal by the European Parliament for the Amendment of the Treaties was last modified: September 17th, 2024 by Together For Europe