The Rome Manifesto
The Rome Manifesto outlines our belief that the current European Union is unfit to face major challenges and that European unity is essential. As the young generation of Europeans, we commit to shaping our common destiny and invite all Europeans to join us. Our identity is a mosaic of diverse cultures, and we must embrace this to build a peaceful and prosperous future together.

Our Cause
Europe Needs to Unite Now
The financial, refugee, and coronavirus crises have painfully highlighted the failures of the current EU institutions and Member States. They have proven unable to address these crises effectively. We believe that federal integration is the solution, as national governments view it as a threat to their existence. We, the peoples of Europe, demand a new path forward.

Who We Are
Achieving Federalization Together
It is up to us, the peoples of Europe, to demand and achieve the European Federal Union. Hundreds of millions will join Together for Europe with this goal. Our unified efforts will turn the bold vision of a federally integrated Europe into our exciting new reality. Europe needs to unite in real and needs to unite now. Together, we will make it happen.
Renewing the Social Contract
The European Federal Union is based on a renewed social contract ensuring rights to freedom, safety, prosperity, equality, and a clean environment. Our proposed constitutional architecture simplifies governance, improves legitimacy, and enhances accountability. We believe in clear separation of powers, both vertically between the Union and Member States, and horizontally among Union institutions.
Founding the Federal Union
To prevent the breakup of the European project, we propose a constitution defining the powers and governance of the Federal Union. This constitution will take effect once ratified by a majority of EU Member States, welcoming any country sharing its values. We call for national parliaments to appoint delegates to draft this constitution in Rome.