The portrait of a federalist: introducing Altiero Spinelli

Altiero Spinelli’s federalist vision, articulated in the Ventotene Manifesto, remains profoundly relevant as Europe faces resurgent nationalism, climate threats, and democratic erosion. His call for a united, supranational European federation offers enduring insights into addressing transnational challenges through democratic reform and international cooperation

Join the Movement for a United Federal Europe

Europe faces urgent challenges. A European Federal Union, driven by grassroots movements, can ensure democracy, solidarity, and shared prosperity. Join us to create a united, equitable Europe, amplifying our collective strength for a brighter future.

European Sovereignty: A Path to a United Europe

The European Sovereignty Index assesses EU countries’ contributions in key areas. While health and economy perform well, technology lags. Germany and France lead, but many nations underperform, highlighting uneven progress toward sovereignty.

Draghi, intergovermentalism and a Federal europe

A few days ago, Mario Draghi, former Prime Minister of Italy and head of the European Central Bank, issued a report on European competitiveness, commissioned by the European Commission. In this report he made clear that the European economy is on a declining path, not only lagging behind, but dependent on its main competitors. He […]